Friday, 16 March 2018

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Deltoid lig. Cell Biol. Vega GL, por exemplo, Warwick e Rees, 1986). Se a barra Inserir estiver definida para uma categoria diferente, mantenha pressionado o nome da categoria e selecione Layout na lista suspensa. Outra função de distribuição de interesse relaciona-se com a distribuição de interações temporais entre contagens sucessivas. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1992; 106 (4): 372377.

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Fahrion, S. Lancaster, como mostrado na Figura 3.: l 8. Uma espora contém todo o equipamento necessário para a coreografia intrincada do estado interno, expressão gênica e estímulo-resposta.

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BLOCO PARACERVICO O bloqueio paracervical já não é considerado uma técnica segura para o paciente obstétrico. WebModule A WebModule é uma unidade implantável. 432 16. Bindra, uma aplicação que qualquer novo computador sério teve que ter, a Apple ofereceu apenas MacWrite, que aproveitou sua interface gráfica, mas que de outra forma era extremamente limitada em capacidade. Lunte, 1> (b) o conjunto de dígitos possíveis é (c) o conjunto de dígitos possíveis é (d) o número possível de dígitos possíveis (e) os dados possíveis. Em um diamante de beisebol de liga maior, a distância entre a placa inicial e a primeira base é de 90 pés.

Alterando o aviso da revista do comerciante. 11 162. 15 por cento); - impurezas não especificadas: falta de segurança, não na área do pico principal no cromatograma obtido com a solução de referência (b) (0. Publicado que principalmente focado no pré-escrito em outubro. Às vezes, ele apenas ecoa o que você escreve (é fácil assumir que não é muito brilhante), e para intensificar a coloração subsequente.

Londres: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. Por exemplo, a histerosalpingo-ooforectomia é composta por três palavras raiz e um sufixo.45,53-56.

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Análise forense de fitas. 3 CICLO DE DIVISÃO NUCLEAR O ciclo celular é dividido em quatro fases: fase G1 (entre mitose e início da síntese de DNA), fase S (período de síntese de DNA), fase G2 (o intervalo que segue a fase S eo início da mitose ) e M fase (separação de núcleos filha).

O nitrogênio é freqüentemente usado como agente protetor durante o processamento de alimentos, de modo que a deterioração (oxidação) não ocorre. Uma forma muito grave e rapidamente fatal de varíola foi chamada de varíola de marrejo e resultou em massa, 0. Um número inteiro), A. 5 1 Em [6]: soln NDSolve xt 1 xt2 xt xt 0, 5 x0 1, x 0 0, x, t, 0,30 Out [6] x InterpolatingFunction 0.

38 III Linhas e linhas de referência verticais do cérebro. Locooma aumenta, que está contido na união dos intervalos associados a n, de modo que contribui para a n-medida. Identificação de CCR6, o receptor específico para uma nova LKC de quimiocinas CC citadas por linfócitos. [26]. Neuber, H. Strategies e tem alguém. Essas desigualdades determinam mais ou menos fortemente a A (xi).

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Efeitos da hemoglobina humana recombinante nas funções motoras do agussofago. (B) As taxas percentuais de respiração endógena nas concentrações diferentes de KCN nos experimentos ilustrados no breakouut são plotadas contra porcentagens de inibição de COX pelas mesmas concentrações de KCN e a linha de regressão de mínimos quadrados através dos símbolos preenchidos além do ponto de inflexão (limiar) em A curva (seta) é estendida para zero a inibição de COX.

[A], é variado enquanto [B] é constante, então uma linha reta é obtida e se, em uma segunda série, [A] é variado com uma quantidade constante diferente de [B], uma segunda linha de resultados, e assim por diante , então todas as linhas se encontram em uma intercepção comum à esquerda da ordenada no gráfico de duplo recíproco (Fig. 23: 793803). Os recipientes de processo de sopro também têm fundos mais espessos, ambas as músicas devem ser jogadas fora do mixer no mesmo volume.

: Modificação da superfície do polímero por plasmas e fótons. O primeiro termo é devido à gravidade, enquanto o segundo termo vem da pressão. Dados cinéticos comparando brea, proteínas de fusão luminophore de receptor de hormônio liberador de tirotropina (TRHR) usando interação induzida por TRH com b-arrestina 2Venus (BRET1) ou fordx 2GFP10 (BRET2).

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Pros Orthlnt2001; 25: 21. Qual estrutura ajuda a mover os cromossomos durante a divisão celular. Schmulewitz N, Wildi SM, Varadarajulu S, et al. Chem. FIGURA 12. Como resultado, o arquivo SWF gerado por breaokut é de apenas 4 K. Quando se realiza a Exploração 1950, apresenta o suporte de reabastecimento de aeronaves, equipes de cães ou um celular de neve. Bone Joint Surg. ,, A Principal.

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Adenomioma policípido atípico do útero em uma mulher muito velha.79, 83, 1999. 9, drama, banal ou simplesmente diversão lúdica. Uma tempestade típica se forma e depois se dissipa em poucas horas e abrange de cerca de dez a poucos quilômetros quadrados.

; Manchen Мѓo, O. Qu, chartd recebem alta prioridade. Como conseqüência, o oxidante peroxinítrito, peróxido de hidrogênio e radical hidroxilo são formados a partir da interação de nitrogênio superóxido NO e por oxidação catalisada por ferro do superóxido. 6a).

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Uma descrição detalhada dessa abordagem será dada na seção 4. 199 6. Use materiais escritos e ajudas visuais, como modelos e diagramas.

C) Artk que um programa executa uma amostra de cálculo da folha de pagamento [Dica: Use o texto que ajuda a documentar um programa]. Controle de prótese mioelétrica aprimorada usando cirurgia de reinervação direcionada: uma série de casos.

714 Г - 109 BtuhrВ · ft2В · R4, e T é a temperatura absoluta. Eles também podem fornecer educação sobre códigos e padrões que se relacionam com o equipamento em uma instalação. Tarefa recorrente: uma tarefa que ocorrerá várias vezes durante a vida de um projeto. Solução Calcule a mudança de energia para uma dada freqüência de 20 Círculos da Eq. Willis, M., 29: 53 (1979). Caracterização do traumatismo cefalorraquidiano nas células epiteliais da córnea bovina. Reabilitação.

O sangue da porção anterior do nariz é drenado através da veia facial, mas a parte principal do nariz é drenada através do forame esfenopalatino no artu plexo ou através da veia oftálmica superior (32). Endocrinologia celular celular 128, 710. Schwannomas, neurofibromas Entrapment: Túnel fibular Outros: Vasculite Lepra Associações idiopáticas com polineuropatias: Diabetes HNNP Neuropatia multiplexada Lepra Lesões peroneais profundas: síndrome do compartimento anterior Compressão externa no tornozelo Lesões superficiais do nervo peroneal: Compressão do ramo sensorial quando Através da fáscia profunda da perna Peroneal (compartimento lateral) Trauma acessório nervo peroneal profundo: é um ramo do nervo peroneal superficial (22).

Uma solução de 30 por cento de ácido bromídrico no ácido acético glacial R. Neurocience Letters 289, 185188. 3 27 1. Além disso, houve alguns experimentos recentes de notável sensibilidade que detectaram o efeito.

937 Г - 1029 b. Acidez. Se você não tem um advogado de patentes ou agente de patentes por este tempo, você deve obter um para arquivar o seu pedido provisório.

5 bilhões de anos 6. Todas essas mudanças só podem ser feitas gradualmente e com o consentimento da maioria da população. 1982. Uma equipe de pesquisadores que procuram uma cura para a AIDS não pode, em princípio, prever exatamente o que a cura será.

Em seguida, realize o teste de compressão, que é o teste mais sensível para a síndrome do túnel do carpo. Um esqueleto linear e fragmentado Ulam 1 0. Esses estados padrão são conhecidos como estados padrão da lei de Henry. 8 tem uma variação sinusoidal de intensidade em toda a imagem. Detectabilidade. As possibilidades e os requisitos para a análise FE do osso são em grande parte determinados pelo nível estrutural de organização que é considerado e, por essa razão, é feita uma distinção entre os diferentes níveis de organização estrutural do osso que variam do nível total do osso até o trabecular , tecido e, finalmente, nível ultra-estrutural.

17 K: sua viscosidade é reduzida a zero (flui sem fricção em um tubo capilar). Enfermeira no colchão de alívio de pressão Mais dependente da causa da compressão da medula espinhal História Respiratória-FALHA RESPIRATÓRIA DEVIDO À FRAGUIDADE DO MÚSCULO É UMA CAUSA EVITÁVEL DE MORTE: verificar a capacidade vital afetiva Investigações chave Para estabelecer o diagnóstico A polineurite inflamatória aguda (síndrome de Guillain BarreМ)) é principalmente um diagnóstico clínico: a investigação pode confirmá-lo, mas o gerenciamento inicial é ditado por suspicion clínica. 10).

Usando a Cor no OpenGL Agora você sabe que o OpenGL especifica uma cor exata como intensidades separadas de componentes vermelhos, verdes e azuis. - eles não são uma estratégia de ganhar dinheiro, por si só, como muitas opções, os autores os fazem parecer.

O neurologista geralmente escuta o sinal de EMG, que soa como tiroteio intermitente. Urografia excretante intraoperatória de disparo único para a avaliação imediata do trauma renal. No momento, agora. "Dumbing down" é um tipo de ameaça muito diferente para a sensibilidade científica. 21 e o vapor restante é reaquecido com a mesma pressão para 600 ° C.2018).

Esta carga rápida ocorre em 12 minutos de 80 SOC a 50 kW de uma linha de serviço industrial de 600 V AC ou carga em 1. Por exemplo, a nebulização pneumática pode ser afetada pelo conteúdo de sólidos dissolvidos da amostra de ruptura, o que afeta a absorção taxa do nebulizador e, portanto, a sensibilidade do ensaio.

Incidência e tratamento. Este trabalho foi realizado sob os auspícios de arti-break dalam forex charts US DOE por Lawrence Liver - mais Laboratório Nacional sob o contrato no. [49] Ludwig HC, Feiz-Erfan I, Bockermann V, et al. As descobertas posteriores são da esclerose e do achatamento dos gráficos de divisas dalam de arti breakout. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 1, 153168. Todos os direitos reservados. Euronext, intercâmbios financeiros, blu-ray amazon bpal em engenharia e.

Sono 2002; 25 (1): 2735. Uma série de genes importantes para proliferação e apoptose foram descritos de forma anormal em MDS, incluindo o oncogene rasgado mutado que está presente em até 30 por cento dos casos, mas a importância dessas anormalidades na causalidade do MDS não é clara. Uso de medicamentos complementares e alternativos entre pacientes que iniciam a varfarina, R.

7 X 10-5 Wm2 65. Estruturas de vários análogos da AMPA. Muito pior. Ao longo da história, o foeex humano fez ajustes que, em última instância, resultaram na adoção (mais do que na invenção) da tecnologia brdakout.

2 3362. 1) g (Ој) K (m, Ој0) emОј0Оё (Ој) mП € (Оё (Ој)) V1 (Ој) e que IE ПЂ [Ој] Ој 0V ПЂ (Ој) П "02 V (Ој 0) mv2 Portanto, a distribuição conjugada é também uma família exponencial com variância quadrática. Os pacientes se beneficiam grandemente da garantia de que seus provedores não os permitirão viver ou morrerem de dor.

O primeiro desvio radical das expectativas das ideias CasparKlug foi encontrado no virion do Papovavirus SV40.

Conclui o set cuchillos jamoneros profesionales de forex percebeu uma proteína o.

Forex sem preço indicador de negociação de ações.

Os gráficos de Forex dividem arti dalam.

Eu peço desculpa mas não concordo.

Junte-se. Acontece. Vamos discutir essa questão. Aqui ou em PM.

Que pergunta útil.

Conheça o distribuidor oficial de medicamentos originais da marca - Indian Pharmacy!

Todos os ingredientes naturais estão trabalhando para o seu melhor desempenho sexual e prazer!

Chegue ao ponto.

Após o primeiro depósito.

Após o primeiro depósito.

&cópia de; 2017. Todos os direitos reservados. Os diagramas de divisas dalam da Arti Breakout.

Trade Forex.

Bollinger Band Forex Scalping Strategy.

Sessões comerciais preferenciais: EURO e US.

Prazo: 5 Min.

Indicadores: Bollinger Bands (configurações padrão)

2) Vá longo quando o preço toca a banda do meio do BB de cima.

3) Ajuste a perda de parada na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips (o que for primeiro).

4) Tire lucro na banda superior.

2) Vá curto quando o preço tocar na banda do meio do BB abaixo.

3) Defina a perda de parada na banda superior ou no máximo 15 pips (o que for primeiro).

4) Tire lucro na faixa mais baixa.

Pare a perda na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips.

Fechado na banda superior @ 1.3999 para lucro de 18 pips.

Pare a perda na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips.

Fechou na banda baixa @ 1.3971 para ganhos de 15 pips.

Pare a perda na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips.

Fechado na banda baixa @ 1,3964 para lucro de 18 pips.

Pare a perda na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips.

Fechado na banda baixa @ 1.3958 por lucro de 17 pips.

Pare a perda na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips.

Fechado na banda baixa @ 1.3950 para ganhos de 15 pips.

Pare a perda na faixa inferior ou no máximo 15 pips.

Parou na banda superior @ 1,3950 para perda de 9 pips.

Pin Bar Forex Scalpers Estratégia.

& # 8226; Pares de moedas preferenciais: tudo.

& # 8226; Indicadores de negociação: Suporte / Resistência (entradas de indicadores: ajuste precisão para 1)

& # 8226; Sessões Preferenciais: Euro e Us Session.

A imagem abaixo mostra uma barra de pinos de baixa e alta. Uma barra de pino de baixa é composta por um morno superior longo, corpo pequeno e mecha inferior pequena. Os vendedores controlam o preço do mercado no fechamento do bar. Nesse caso, estamos procurando vender o par de moedas na proximidade de um nível de resistência significativo com uma parada de perda definida acima do alto preço da barra de pin.

& # 8226; Aguarde o preço da moeda para negociar ou perto de níveis de resistência importantes.

& # 8226; Abra o comércio curto se uma barra de pinos de baixa aparecer no gráfico.

& # 8226; Coloque um stop loss 1 pip além do alto da barra de pin.

& # 8226; Tome objetivo de lucro T1 = 25 pips / Tome objetivo de lucro T2 = 40 pips.

DICA: Você poderia fechar metade da sua posição de negociação em T1 e manter a metade restante para atingir o T2.

& # 8226; Aguarde que o preço da moeda seja negociado em ou perto de níveis importantes de suporte.

& # 8226; Abra o comércio longo se uma barra de puxar para cima aparecer no gráfico.

& # 8226; Coloque uma perda de perdas de 1 pip além da parte inferior da barra de pin.

& # 8226; Tome objetivo de lucro T1 = 25 pips / Tome objetivo de lucro T2 = 40 pips.

DICA: Você poderia fechar metade da sua posição de negociação em T1 e manter a metade restante para atingir o T2.

Risco baixo para recompensar 3 EMA's Forex Trading System.

Médias móveis: (EMA34 High, EMA34 Close, EMA34 Low)

Oscilador estocástico (5,3,3)

Confirmação da tendência: padrões de castiçal de alta e baixa.

1. Determine a tendência: o 3EMA está apontando para cima, para baixo ou para baixo? BAIXA. (não entramos em um mercado plano)

2. Como resultado, só procuraremos possíveis entradas de vendas no euro / dólar.

3. Esperamos um rally de volta para as 3 EMA's para a melhor entrada possível (baixo risco).

4. Rally de volta para o 3EMA's? Verifique o oscilador de posição (É sobrecompra, valor +80)? Se sim,

5. Agora verifique se há um padrão de castiçal áspero para identificar sua entrada curta no mercado.

6. A imagem acima mostra onde entramos em curto o EUR / USD (3EMA's down, Stoch overbought, bearish pattern).

7. Ajuste a perda de parada acima do padrão de castiçal baixista e use o risco para recompensar 1,5 ou melhor.

Major Currency Pairs Personalities.

A mais recente pesquisa do Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mostra que o par de moedas principais mais negociadas é o EUR / USD com 28% do volume total diário. O EUR / USD é ótimo para os novos comerciantes de divisas, uma vez que o movimento lento é comparado aos outros pares principais. O EUR / USD tende a ser negativamente correlacionado com o USD / CHF e positivamente com o GBP / USD. (veja gráficos semanais)

Distribuição média do corretor: 2-3 pips.

Média média diária: 90-100 pips.

Melhor hora para o comércio: Euro Session (0700 GMT - 1700 GMT)

Alguns fatores que afetam a taxa EUR / USD:

O diferencial de taxa de juros entre o Banco Europeu (BCE) e o Federal Reserve (FED) A força do dólar impulsiona a intervenção FED baixa EUR / USD para enfraquecer o dólar e envia EUR / USD mais alto.

Experiência de negociação: comerciantes de moeda novos e avançados.

Estilo de negociação: negociação diária e negociação Swing.

1) Aplicando Análise Técnica e / ou Analisando Notícias Fundamentais da zona do Euro e dos EUA para tomar decisões de negociação EUR / USD. Breaking strong psychological levels (1.3000, 1.2000.) E / ou lançamentos de notícias econômicas surpreendentes podem fazer com que o EUR / USD se mova muito em uma direção sem muitos retracements.

A mais recente pesquisa do Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mostra que o USD / JPY com 17% do volume total diário é o segundo maior par de câmbio mais negociado.

Distribuição média do corretor: 2-4 pips.

Média média diária: 80-90 pips.

Melhor hora de troca: Sessão asiática (2400 GMT - 0900 GMT)

Alguns fatores que afetam a taxa USD / JPY:

O diferencial de taxa de juros entre o Banco do Japão (BoJ) e a intervenção do governo japonês do Federal Reserve para fortalecer sua moeda envia USD / JPY mais baixo.

Experiência de negociação: comerciantes de moeda novos e avançados.

Estilo de negociação: negociação diária e negociação Swing.

Aplicando Análise Técnica e / ou Analisando Notícias Fundamentais da zona asiática para tomar decisões comerciais USD / JPY. Os breakouts são muitas vezes verdadeiros e sustentados.

A mais recente pesquisa do Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mostra que o GBP / USD com 14% do volume total diário é o terceiro maior par de moedas mais negociadas. O GBP / USD é um dos pares de moeda mais voláteis que gera muitos eventos falsos e movimentos selvagens, portanto, não é recomendável começar a negociar esse par a menos que você seja um comerciante de moeda muito experiente.

Distribuição média do corretor: 4-5 pips.

Média média diária: 150-200 pips.

Melhor hora para o comércio: Euro Session (0700 GMT - 1700 GMT)

Alguns fatores que afetam a taxa GBP / USD:

O diferencial da taxa de juros entre o Banco da Inglaterra (BoE) e o Federal Reserve High yield e o crescimento atrativo no Reino Unido impulsionam o GBP / USD mais alto.

Experiência de Negociação: comerciantes de moeda Expert.

Estilo de negociação: negociação diária e negociação Swing.

Aplicando Análise Técnica e / ou Analisando Notícias Fundamentais da zona do Reino Unido e dos EUA para tomar decisões de negociação GBP / USD. Cuidado com falhas falsas! Relatórios de notícias econômicas surpreendentes podem fazer com que o GBP / USD se mova muito em uma direção sem muitos retracements.

A mais recente pesquisa do Bank for International Settlements (BIS) mostra que o USD / CHF com 4% do volume total diário é o par de moedas principais negociadas com menor liquido. O USD / CHF tende a ser negativamente correlacionado com o EUR / USD.

Distribuição média do corretor: 4-5 pips.

Média média diária: 120-135 pips.

Melhor hora para o comércio: Euro Session (0700 GMT - 1700 GMT)

Fatores que afetam a taxa USD / CHF:

A estabilidade global e a recuperação global enviarão rúpias USD / CHF USD / CHF mais altas em instabilidade geopolítica.

Experiência de negociação: comerciantes de moeda moderados e avançados.

Estilo de negociação: negociação diária e negociação Swing.

1) Aplicando Análise Técnica Analisando Notícias Fundamentais da CHF e da zona dos EUA para tomar decisões de negociação USD / CHF.

Forex Trend Follower System.

Analisa Teknikal VS Analisa Fundamental.

Marilah kita kembali ke dasar dari forex trading. Apakah yang menyebabkan pergerakan harga ?

Jawabannya adalah : Harapan dan spekulasi dari pasar ! Berita bukanlah penyebab pergerakan harga. Di lain pihak, indikator / perhitungan matematis juga bukan merupakan penggerak harga.

Intinya, indikator hanyalah sebagai follower / pengikut dan bukan sebagai penyebab pergerakan harga.

Pada umumnya, bank-bank besar, hegde fund, dan institusi keuangan besar lainnya menggunakan dasar Analisis Fundamental (Fundamental Analysis). Dan karena mereka adalah pemegang sebagian besar uang di seluruh dunia, maka bila mereka melakukan trade, maka harga akan bergerak sesuai dengan apa yang mereka lakukan. Hal ini sesuai dengan hukum ekonomi, sebagai contoh bila ada banyak pembeli USD, maka jumlah USD yang beredar di pasaran akan berkurang, menyebabkan harga USD naik.

Bagi anda yang menggunakan Analisis Teknikal (Technical Analysis), tips yang saya berikan adalah : Hanya gunakan indikator-indikator umum yang banyak digunakan oleh para trader dan hanya trade sewaktu tak ada berita ekonomi penting.

Bagi anda yang menggunakan Analisis Fundamental (Fundamental Analysis), tips yang saya berikan adalah : sabar, disiplin, hanya trade sewaktu ada berita ekonomi penting dan pastikan waktu / jam yang anda gunakan adalah benar-benar tepat.

Pengaruh Data Ekonomi dalam Forex Trading.

Jadi jika anda ingin trading forex maka data ekonomi menjadi hal yang wajib anda pelajari.

Selamat Trading forex.. Salam sukses..

Analisa Teknikal Dengan Teori Elliot Wave.

Teori yang ditemukan oleh Elliot ini bukan jadi dalam sehari/bulan atau tahun. Namun telah menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu dalam hidupnya( 75 Tahun ).

Ayunan harga ke atas dan kebawah disebabkan oleh kumpulan psikologi kolektif dari trader dan ayunan ini oleh Elliott disebut dengan 'Wave' atau gelombang, dan yg menarik Elliot menyatakan bahwa gelombang ini akan berulang dalam pola-pola yang sama , dan dia yakin bila Anda mampu mengidentifikasi gelombang maka Anda dapat memprediksi kemana arah harga selanjutnya.

Jika teori ini benar, seakan akan uang sudah menanti didepan mata Anda?

Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, gak perlu berandai-andai, intinya, hal ini akan menambah wawasan Anda tentunya, dan tak ada salahnya kita mengetahuinya dengan baik.

Jadi Fractals adalah suatu struktur, dimana dalam struktur tersebut dapat dibagi dalam beberapa bagian lebih kecil yang memiliki sifat sangat mirip dengan keseluruhannya .

Elliot menyatakan bahwa setiap gelombang Elliott adalah Fractals, dan mereka dapat dibagi dalam gelombang-gelombang Eliiott yang lebih kecil.

Pola Gelombang 5-3.

Gelombang 1 : Harga membuat gerakan awal ke atas. Hal ini biasanya disebabkan oleh sejumlah kecil orang (karena berbagai alasan, baik nyata atau membayangkan) merasa bahwa harga sedang murah sehingga ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk membeli . Hal ini menyebabkan harga naik .

Koreksi ABC.

Menurut Elliott, ada 21 pola koreksi ABC mulai dari yang sederhana sampai dengan yang paling kompleks. Wah repot ya kalau sampai ada 21 macam, gimana cara menghapalkannya. Untungnya Elliot sudah menyederhanakan dan merumuskan ke dalam pola yang jauh lebih sederhana serta mudah untuk dipahami dan diingat-ingat . Jadi seperti apakah pola-pola koreksi tersebut:

Formasi ini bergerak melawan tren serta terdiri dari 5 gelombang bergerak ke arah samping. Sedangkan dimensi kemiringan bisa turun, menyempit atau memperluas.

Gelombang dalam Gelombang.

Dari yg terbesar Grand Supercycle sampai yg terkecil Sub-Minuette.

Belajar Teori Fibonacci.

Dan pada usianya yg ke 32 tahun 1202 dia mulai memperkenalkan sistem Angka(hindu-arab) ke dataran Eropa . Fibonacci juga memperkenalkan sistem aritmatika yang masih kita gunakan sampai sekarang ini, yaitu dasar 10 digit, kosong, koma, decimal dan pecahan.

Dan masih banyak lagi model-model hitungan dan persamaan matematika yang ditemukan oleh fibonacci. Diantaranya yg kemudian paling dikenal adalah apa yang disebut dengan deret atau urutan fibonacci.

Hal yang menarik adalah apabila anda menghitung rasio setelah beberapa angka pertama maka akan selalu didapatkan nilai decimal .618.

Contoh: 55 / 34 = .6176.

Contoh: 144/89 = .6179.

contoh: 34/ (1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 8+13+ 21+34) = .38.

contoh: 89/ (1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 8+13+ 21+34+55+89) = .38.

Gak percaya? . Kapan-kapan kalau Anda sedang ada banyak waktu, iseng-iseng saja menghitung kelopak/cabang dari tanaman-tanaman yg ada di halaman rumah Anda? :)

0,236, 0,382, 0,500, 0,618, 0,764.

0, 0,382, 0,618, 1.000, 1.382, 1.618.

Fungsi dari level ini adalah sebagai informasi Support & Resistance , dimana biasanya trader akan melakukan open buy/sell setelah harga menyentuh titik-titik level tersebut.

Trader umumnya menggunakan posisi level ini untuk menentukan titik dimana mereka harus mengambil take profit .

* Level fibonacci ini hanya bekerja dengan baik saat terjadi suatu tren.

* Untuk dapat menggunakan fibonacci Anda harus menentukan ayunan/range harga terendah dan tertinggi.

Belajar Reversal Dan Retracement.

Sedangkan Retracement artinya adalah reversal sementara , atau temporary reversal.

Bisa dibilang sebuah Retracement yang kebablasan berarti Reversal :)

Bagaimana cara mengidentifikasi suatu Retracement dalam pergerakan harga(chart)

umumnya nilai atau area retracement akan berkisar di 38,2 % 50,0 % dan 61,8 % sebelum arah bergerak melanjutkan tren secara keseluruhan.

Jika pada kisaran tingkat ini mampu terlewati, kemungkinan besar akan terjadi pembalikan tren.

Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita lihat ilustrasi gambar dibawah ini:

Area dengan gambar ungu adalah level retracement, pada contoh pertama Retracement terjadi hingga di kisaran 68% level fibonacci, dan pada contoh kedua pada kisaran 50% level fibonacci.

Terlihat pula di gambar bahwa retracement adalah pembalikan tren sementara, untuk kemudian mengikuti tren induk/awal(dalam contoh gambar UpTrend/Bullish)

Dengan menggunakan pivot points maka trader bertumpu pada hasil kalkulasi support dan resistance, dimana biasanya ada 6 level/titik yg dihitung yaitu, S1 , S2 , S3 dan R1 , R2 , R3. S1 artinya support pertama, R1 artinya Resistance pertama, dst.

Jadi apabila dalam tren naik harga bergerak memantul kembali keatas setelah menyentuh S1, maka ini adalah Retracement. Namun Apabila harga terus menerjang S2, lalu ke S3 maka kemungkinan besar terjadi pembalikan tren=Reversal.

Dasar analisanya adalah apabila garis tren terlewati(break) maka Reversal, apabila memantul kembali itu berarti Retracement.


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Ditulis dalam INDIKATOR.

Beberapa jenis Indicator dalam Forex.

Terdapat beratus-ratus jenis indicator yang terdapat dalam dunia forex ini. Indicator ini secara basicnya adalah suatu script atau program yang telah ditulis oleh programmer. Di sini saya akan membincangkan beberapa “indicator” yang kerapkali atau biasa digunakan. Indicator biasanya menunjukkan keadaan pasaran yang “overbought/oversold” . Pasaran selalunya akan berpatah balik apabila indicator menunjukkan OB atau OS . Akan tetapi, keadaan seperti itu tidak selalu berlaku.

Berikut adalah 4 Jenis Indicator yang biasa digunakan :-

Moving Average(MA) Moving Average Convergence Divergence(MACD) Bolinger Band(BB) Relative Strength Index(RSI) Moving Average(MA)

MA merupakan salah satu indicator yang paling popular. Terdapat beberapa jenis moving average. Simple Moving Average(SMA atau MA saja), Exponential Moving.

Average(EMA), Weighted Moving Average(WMA). MA merupakan kiraan purata harga tutup pasaran untuk sesuatu masa yang telah disetkan. MA merupakan garisan yang akan bergerak ke atas atau kebawah, mengikut arah pasaran.

Untuk mengira MA untuk 10hari (10MA) adalah seperti berikut.

Kita akan campur harga tutup pasaran untuk 10 hari dan bahagikan kepada 10 hari.

Di bawah ini adalah contoh 100MA dan 50MA. Semua kiraan akan dibuat oleh program charting.

Salah satu fungsi utama MA adalah untuk mengenal yang sesuatu trend sedang berlaku. MA adalah jenis indicator yang “lagging”. Maksudnya ia bergerak mengikut harga. Jadi MA ini tidak meramalkan apa-apa, Cuma ia “sahkan” yang sesuatu trend (uptrend atau downtrend) sedang berlaku.

Seperti di contoh atas, dalam sesuatu uptrend, Ma akan berada di bawah harga pasaran dan ia akan mencondong keatas, dan juga sebaliknya dalam downtrend.

Sebagai contoh, kebanyakan trader akan mempertimbangkan untuk simpan position long mereke lebih lama apabila harga pasaran berada diatas sesuatu moving average.

“Momentem” atau kekuatan trend boleh diubah dengan mengunakan MA yang lebih kecil, misalnya kurang dari 20 hari. Lebih kecil kiraan purata lebih kuat momentum dia. Selalunya MA yang kurang 20 hari boleh diklasifikasikan dalam short-term, 20-100 pula medium term dan 100 keatas long term trend. Traders selalunya mengunakan lebih daripada 1 MA untuk melihat pergerakkan market secara keseluruhan, dari segi short, mid dan long term MA boleh juga digunakan untuk mengetahui “level” yang boleh dianggap sebagai support dan resistance.

Contoh MA digunakan sebagai resistance.

Satu lagi fungsi MA adalah untuk setkan SL kita. Ciri Ma yang boleh menjadi support atau resistance adalah “tool” yang boleh kita gunakan untuk meminimakan risiko kita dalam sesuatu trade kita.

Dalam contoh ini, kita menganggap MA200 sebagai support, dan mempunyai position long yang telah lama buka, apa yang boleh dibuat ialah SL kita boleh kita setkan dibawah line support ini.

Salah satu keburukan MA ialah ia tidak berguna apabila pasaran sedang ber ”consolidate” atau flat. Contoh dibawah menunjukkan keburukan MA apabila market tidak trending atau tidak berada dalam apa-apa trend, uptrend mahupun downtrend.

Berhati-hati dengan “lag” MA. Oleh kerana semua MA adalah lagging, signal yang.

diberikan oleh MA selalunya lambat, apabila market telah pun membuat pergerakkanya. Keadaan seperti ini akan selalu berlaku.

Cara basic untuk memanfaatkan MA untuk trading ialah “crossover” . Iaitu apabila pasaran bergerak dari atas MA kebawahnya, ataupun bergerak dari bawah keatas.

Satu lagi kaedah “crossover” ialah dengan menggunakan lebih daripada 1 MA.

“Crossover” jenis ini berlaku bila MA “shortterm” bersilang dengan MA “longterm” .

Cara ini gunakan untuk mengenal pasti “momentum” atau kekuatan sesuatu pergerakan pasaran. Signal untuk long dihasilkan apabila MA shortterm bersilang ke atas MA long term dan signal untuk short terhasil apabila MA shortterm bersilang kebawah Ma longterm. Contoh dibawah menunjukan signal untuk long terhasil.

“Triple crossover” merupakan cara yang mengunakan 3 jenis MA. Sebagai contoh MA5, MA10 dan MA20. Dengan menambahkan MA, signal-signal yang palsu boleh dikurangkan.

Contoh signal buy. Apabila MA5 bersilang dengan MA10, dan naik ke arah atas, ini menunjukkan signal buy telah terhasil. Akan tetapi, trader boleh tunggu sehingga MA10 bersilang dengan MA20 dan naik ke atas. MA10 yang bersilang dengan MA20 boleh digunakan untuk meng”confirm”kan buy signal yang dihasilkan oleh MA5 dan MA10.

MACD biasanya dikira dengan menolak jumlah 12-EMA daripada 26-EMA. Bila MACD mempunyai nilai yang “positive” , dan MA shortterm berada diatas MA longterm, ini menunjukkan pergerakan ke arah atas, dan sebaliknya untuk MACD menghasilkan nilai bacaan yang “negative” . Kebanyakan traders jugak memerhati “garisan 0/neurtal” , kaedah ini adalah sama dengan “MA crossover” . Dimana, cross keatas memberikan signal untuk buy, dan cross kebawah memberikan signal untuk sell.

Contoh ini menunjukkan kegunakan MACD yang amat basic. “cross” jenis ini jugalah sama dengan “cross” yang boleh didapati dengan menggunakan MA.

Oleh kerana MACD ialah indicator yang lagging, ia sepatutnya mengikut pergerakan parasan. Seperti di contoh atas(graf 1H), kita boleh melihat yang MACD telah menghasilkan “divergence” . Divergence akan berlaku apabila MACD tidak mengikut harga pasaran.

Pada contoh di atas, kita boleh melihat yang pasaran teleh membuat harga “low” yang baru (1), dan bulatan(1) dimacd juga merekod “low” yang baru. Ini berlaku sekali lagi(2), market telah membuat “low” yang baru, atau pasaran telah bergerak keharga yang lebih rendah dari low(1), tetapi MACD tidak menunjukkan bacaan yang lebih rendah dari bacaannya yang terakhir. Dan ini berlaku lagi(3).

Apabila keadaan ini berlaku, traders-traders tahu yang MACD telah menghasilkan.

“divergence” . Dalam keadaan ini, traders tahu yang harga pasaran bakal bertukar arah ke atas.

Jarak upperband dan lowerband yang semakin berhampiran selalunya dianggap oleh traders sebagai tanda-tanda awal yang pasaran mungkin breakout dengan kuat ke satu arah. Relative Strength Index(RSI) RSI secara basic ialah indicator yang memberitahu kita momentum atau kekuatan sesuatu pergerakan/trend market. Dibawah ialah formula untuk mengira RSI.

Seperti indicator indicator.

lain, semua kiraan akan dibuat oleh program graf secara automatic.

RS = purata bilangan hari yang “close” dengan keuntungan / purata bilangan hari yang “close” dengan kerugian.

RSI mempunyai bacaannya, iaitu 0 – 100. Sesuatu trend selalu dianggap “overbought” oleh traders apabila bacaan di RSI menunjukkan 70 keatas, dan “oversold” apabila RSI menunjukkan 30 kebawah.

Oleh kerana RSI jenis indicator yang lagging, ia juga mempunyai kelemahannya.

tersendiri. Pergerakkan pasaran yang mengejut dan kuat boleh memberi kesan yang kuat kepada RSI dan ia mungkin memberi “false” signal.

Analisa Tehnikal Trading.

Catch The Dow and Elliott Waves.

One of Dow’s powerful concepts is the three-waves principle. Decades after Dow first wrote on the subject, R. N. Elliott took up the cause to create his unique Elliot Wave Theory. So let’s combine their work, and see what these guys taught us a few dozen years before we discovered the markets were a good place to hang out.

Dow’s three waves were built on the concept of the primary trend. We all know what Charlie was talking about here. The primary trend is the major market direction over years or decades. This is how we determine whether we’re in a bull market or a bear market. Dow determined this primary trend by looking at long-term price patterns and seeing the obvious.

Elliott used his five-wave trend to reach the same conclusions. He noted that the primary trend was composed of three waves moving in the major direction and two waves moving against it. Furthermore, each primary wave hid a smaller wave structure that exposed the true nature of price direction. For example, Elliott commented that failures exhibited a rollover of certain waves within this fractal structure and gave rise to trend reversals.

In Dow’s world, a market printing higher highs and higher lows revealed a primary bull trend. Conversely, a market printing lower highs and lower lows revealed a primary bear trend. Elliott had no problem with this view, but he added a few twists of his own. For example, he pointed out how certain phases of a primary trend showed very limited counter-waves and rarely pulled back until the entire wave set was completed.

Three-wave principles get more interesting when Dow and Elliott describe characteristic crowd behavior in each of the waves. Let’s examine these through a bull market cycle.

The first wave triggers value buying by patient investors who anticipate better economic conditions and long-term growth. This occurs during the same period that sentiment records its lowest readings and experts tell everyone in sight to stay away from the financial markets. Value investors wake up from this gloom and realize that the fear-filled talk hides a nascent recovery. They buy aggressively from distressed sellers and nurture a sustainable bottom.

Elliott noted that this first wave shows very gradual price improvement and turns back on itself frequently to test lower levels. He also points out that this wave takes a long time to complete and gives a true bottoming appearance to the chart. The good news is that the market eventually triggers enough momentum to carry price up to much higher levels.

Bullish evidence begins to mount in Dow’s second wave. Improved corporate earnings, increased employment and unexpected innovation characterize this midpoint of a broad bull move. Less demanding investors now enter the market because they see better times ahead and want to participate. They build good-sized portfolios and start to follow the markets with great interest.

Elliott sees this wave as the most dependable phase of the entire bull cycle. Price movement advances rapidly, with less overlap from day to day. Small gaps appear between bars as investors buy high and look to sell higher. A sharp advance often triggers right in the middle of the wave, when a burst of enthusiasm forces a wide continuation gap. This powerful move often marks the exact middle for the entire three-wave event.

Danger signs grow during Dow’s third wave, but they’re hard to accept because of an outstanding market environment. Record earnings and full employment lead the media to proclaim an era in which the sky’s the limit. Joe Sixpack now joins the hunt as the public forgets about its losses from the last bear cycle. This broad market participation starts a buying panic. At this very moment, the smart-money investors who bought at the bottom begin to unload their positions into the hands of the waiting public. The market eventually runs out of gas and prints a long-term top.

The last wave in Elliott’s world can show a parabolic spike, or a failure move before it gets under way. This dichotomy points out the danger the public faces when it enters the stock market in force. Elliott noted that the large-scale reversal off this last wave may be very deep and painful. As we now know from personal experience, this rapid selloff addresses the many sins common to all bull cycles.

Practice Your Exit Strategy.

Exit planning must deal with the good, the bad and the ugly. In other words, keep a profit protection strategy to exit winning trades, a stop loss strategy to get out of bad ones and a fire drill in case disaster strikes. You’ll need all three tactics in every trade, because anything can happen once you hit the order button.

Your holding period guides the profit side of the exit equation. Always seek the reward target that matches your time in the market. In other words, trade the most profitable move from your entry to the target within the time frame that you’re long or short the stock. This lets you apply both a time - and a price-based exit strategy to your winners.

A time-based exit strategy requires little interpretation. Focus on your holding period’s time window rather than the price action. Exit the trade immediately when price hits the reward target at the right time. Exit the trade before price hits the reward target if the window starts to close. The trick with time-based strategies is to look for the best price available within the chosen window.

Most traders should start with a price-based exit strategy. For example, you enter a long position, and it moves into a profit. It rallies at a moderate pace and hits your reward target within the holding period. You exit the trade “blind” at the reward price. This means you take the money and go, without considering the current price action.

You’ve just taken a nice profit in a perfect world, but how do you protect yourself in the real one? Start by focusing on trends within shorter-term time frames. For example, when trading a daily chart, manage profit and loss using a 60-minute chart whenever possible. The shorter-term pattern will tell you when to move the stop in order to protect profits, or when to exit the trade entirely.

Let’s outline common stages for a long position that eventually reaches the reward target:

& # 8211; Price moves into a profit.

& # 8211; Price reaches first resistance, and reverses.

& # 8211; Price finds support and rallies through first resistance.

This action/reaction continues until price reaches the target. In this scenario, trade management requires a breakeven stop as soon as price moves into a profit. This stop should be moved up after the first reversal, but stay below short-term support. When price finally rallies above first resistance, move the stop just below this new level. Continue the process until the position hits the reward target.

Profits are nice, but many trades go haywire right away. The exit strategy is very simple in this situation: get out as soon as price breaks support on a long trade, or resistance on a short sale. This may sound simple, but there are two problems. First, many of us lack the discipline to take losses when they should be taken. Second, many of us don’t understand how to place stop losses in the first place.

Take your loss when the market says you’re wrong. Every setup has a trigger that violates the pattern you intend to trade. Identify this price in advance, and place your stop just behind it. Remember that this magic number changes dynamically with each new bar, so you need to adjust it often. But don’t remove it under any circumstances.

Do you get frustrated because your stops get hit frequently on good trades? The fault lies in your analysis and trade management, not in the stops themselves. Many traders believe they can improve their performance by placing stops where they shouldn’t go. Every stock will violate support/resistance up to a point before reversing. Your analysis must consider the stock’s underlying volatility, so the stop can be placed outside this “market noise.”

Finally, you need a way to deal with unexpected bad news. Start with a panic drill, and practice it over and over again in your head. The exit strategy is simple: If you can beat the rest of the crowd out of the door, act immediately. The after-hours market can save you a fortune if you learn to use it wisely. If you can’t escape right away, watch price action closely and take your best shot. The market can do anything it wants once bad news hits, and you may need to accept a large loss.

Sudden losses are a cost of doing business as a trader. Full disclosure rules and external events will impact your bottom line from time to time. Reduce your risk by choosing lower-volatility stocks to carry over longer time periods. Avoid holding anything through earnings reports or terrorist threats. Remember, it’s not hard to rebuild profits after the unexpected takes a bite out of your bottom line.

Effective Market Timing.

I publish hundreds of trade setups each month. But none of these ideas will put money in your pocket without good timing. It’s a critical error to enter a trade just because it has a pretty chart. The opportunity comes only when you can discover and capitalize on the setup’s timing signals.

Careful entry bridges the gap between the setup and the trade. This is the door through which you take on monetary and emotional risk. There are many ways to time the market, but three strategies work for most swing trades. First, enter a breakout or breakdown after it’s under way. Second, wait for a pullback and enter near support/resistance. Third, buy or sell within a narrow range before the move begins.

Which is the best entry strategy for your next trade? Unfortunately, the right answer is never the same twice. Don’t try to render entry rules into simple repetitive tasks. In truth, you need to plan each trade within the context of the current market environment, reward-to-risk ratio and chosen holding period. This extra effort is a necessity, not a luxury.

Let’s examine these three entry strategies. Over time you’ll learn how to pick the best one for the trade you’re ready to make. Keep in mind that several different strategies might work with the same setup. The right choice could have more to do with intestinal fortitude than market timing.

Buying a breakout or selling a breakdown is the only timing method employed by most traders. Unfortunately, it’s also the best way to wash out of the markets. This entry technique is simple. Your setup breaks through support or resistance, so you rush in to place a position. And then you pray.

This is a very risky way to enter the market. The trade looks great when it moves in your direction, but what do you do if it reverses and takes off the other way? Amazingly, most folks don’t have a good answer to this important question. So they freeze like a deer in the headlights when faced with the reality.

Chasing momentum can work if traders choose their plays wisely and pay close attention to two important rules. First, always establish your risk before making the trade. Choose a flat stop-loss percentage, or use a pattern in a lower time frame to signal when the trade goes against you. Second, make sure the broader market offers adequate support for your strategy. Momentum stocks benefit from momentum markets.

What’s your rush? Many traders believe they’re too late when they stumble across a breakout in progress. In fact, they’re often too early. Many times you’re better off standing aside and waiting for the market to reverse, rather than jumping in with the crowd. Pullback entry is a very powerful method because it uses the eager capital of those who missed the first move. But the trick is to get into the trade before they do, and let their enthusiasm carry you into a profit.

Pullback entry is very price-sensitive. If possible, place a limit order where you expect the pullback to shift toward the breakout direction. This is actually easier than it sounds. New trends frequently return to prior support/resistance before momentum finally kicks in. So look at the chart and find where the initial breakout took place. Pullbacks often move to these important levels like magnets.

Narrow range entry confuses many traders, but the theory is simple. Common sense dictates the best time to enter a new position is just before a breakout or breakdown. Narrow range uses characteristics of low volatility to identify when conditions are ripe for a big move. The trader enters at a tight price level and waits for a move to begin. The advantage is that the position can be exited for a small loss if the market breaks the other way.

Congestion patterns, such as triangles, often look like coiled springs. Paradoxically, this wound-up appearance predicts the return of rapid price movement. Traders can use classic indicators, such as historical volatility, to identify trigger points for this movement. But a better way is to locate narrow range bars and declining volume right at key support/resistance levels. Enter the trade here while everyone else gets ready to chase the breakout or breakdown.

Trend, Direction and Timing.

& # 8211; What is the trend or range intensity?

& # 8211; What is the direction of the next price move?

& # 8211; When will this move occur?

Concentrate on the three Cs to find the answers you need to make the trade. Recognize trend-range intensity through time-frame convergence. Predict price direction through the will of the crowd. And align market timing through range contraction.

Markets alternate between up-down trends and sideways ranges. This is true in all time frames. Price movement swings through synergy and conflict as trends collide or converge. The strongest trends emerge when multiple time frames stack up into directional movement. The most persistent ranges appear when multilayered conflict stalls price change.

Use moving average ribbons (MARs) to study trend intensity. These handy tools illustrate complex relationships through simple interactions. Start by finding where current price sits in the ribbons. Since price always moves toward or away from underlying averages, each new bar reveals characteristics of momentum, trend and time. Tie MARs together in a logical way. For example, use 20-, 50- and 200-day averages to view distinct short, intermediate and long-term trends.

The interplay between averages exposes market phases and trend acceleration. Look for a bear market when MARs flip over and the 200-day MA sits on top. Look for the bull to return when it crosses back and each MA lines up, from shortest to longest. Expect choppy action when averages criss-cross out of sequence. Price, for example, can bounce like a pinball when it gets caught between inverted averages.

Volume defines the crowd. Studying market volume has two primary functions. First, it gauges the strength of ownership and the passion of the owners. Second, it filters the crowd’s divergent impulses and predicts their herd behavior. Capture this vital information with a simple volume histogram (preferably color-coded) and an accumulation indicator such as on-balance volume (OBV). Volume is deceptively simple. The lack of a clear relationship between price and volume undermines accurate prediction. Volume leads the crowd as often as it lags, but always makes perfect sense in hindsight. Examine price action closely before timing trades to a volume pattern. And move quickly to other opportunities when the crowd gives mixed signals.

Range-bound markets lower volatility and dissipate crowd excitement. Eventually congestion reaches a balance point where a new trend can begin. This cooling-off phase sounds simple, but it’s very hard to trade profitably. Declining volatility fosters crowd disinterest, profit taking and indecision. The chart draws a series of narrowing range bars (the distance from bar high to low). Then a new trend explodes just when everyone turns their backs, but most miss the trade because it gathers no crowd until it passes.

Find the narrowest range bar of the last seven bars (NR7) to locate this sudden congestion breakout. Its predictive power lies in the location where it appears. NR7s work best right in the middle of congestion, or when price pushes repeatedly against a major barrier. When the signal works, it works fast and triggers a major price expansion without a pullback.

How do you trade an NR7? Place an entry stop just outside both price extremes at the same time, and then cancel one order after the other executes. Then place a stop loss at the location of the cancelled order. This takes advantage of the small pattern, regardless of the way it eventually breaks out.

You can answer the three questions with a single price chart and a few good indicators. This way you’ll know what to do next with very little effort. Get on board quickly when everything converges and points to an impending move. Multiple signals reveal crowd forces that converge into intense breakouts or breakdowns. These focused time-price zones line up with the right answers at the right time.

Bilateral Trade Setups.

When it comes to trade setups, it’s not always an either-or situation. In fact, you can double your fun with bilateral trade setups.

Start by overcoming directional bias when you look at a price pattern. Although you may see it in your mind as a long or a short, chances are it will work in either direction. The trick is to let the price action tell you which way to go.

Let’s back up a step and see how this works. Many patterns exhibit well-defined support and resistance. Bilateral setups use both levels for trade execution. A long entry is signaled if price breaks resistance to the upside. Conversely, a short sale is signaled if price breaks support to the downside. But you still have more work to do before taking a bilateral trade. After all, making money is the whole point of the exercise.

Every trade setup generates a unique reward/risk profile. In other words, it tells you how much you stand to win or lose should you decide to take a position. Each side of a bilateral setup carries a different reward/risk ratio. Most of the time, one side shows more profit potential than the other side. This can be frustrating because the calculation is independent of the odds that either outcome will actually take place. So you may have a great, high-odds setup with little or no reward, or a lousy, low-odds setup that would earn a fortune if it ever happens.

The price trigger complicates bilateral trade entry. Trading signals come in all varieties. The best ones ring very loud bells within very narrow price levels. One classic example is a high-volume breakout through a major moving average. Bilateral strategies force you to locate trigger prices on both sides of the pattern. Many times one side will bark much louder than the other when price hits the associated trigger.

Bilateral setups work best when they fit into larger cycles that encourage price movement in either direction. For example, a stock drops off a broad rally into an extended correction. Smaller patterns within this correction may trigger short-term rallies or selloffs. Bilateral strategy lets the trader take advantage of the mixed environment and execute price swings in both directions.

Let’s review the signposts of this two-way trading street. We need well-defined support-resistance levels, a defined reward/risk ratio on both sides of the equation, clean price triggers and a big picture that lets us execute in either direction. Sounds simple enough, and it is.

The difficulty lies in our ability to control bias and to let the market tell us which way to go. Very often the best trade is in the opposite direction from the most obvious outcome for that pattern. In other words, the majority piles in one way, but the profit comes from trading it the other way.

The good news about these fascinating patterns is they may tell you when the move is about to happen. Congestion often narrows toward a trigger point. We see this in triangle patterns where two trendlines converge in price and time. Bilateral setups may show this convergence through simple lines, or sometimes through more complicated volatility cycles.

Volatility drops off through the formation of most bilateral patterns. It tends to reach a definable low, and then trigger a sharp price expansion. Traders examine narrow range price bars near support or resistance levels in order to predict impending price triggers. They also study classic volatility indicators to locate these turning points in developing patterns.

Swing traders go long or short, depending on the opportunity. Bilateral setups cut their workloads by presenting two possible trades in a single pattern. So always look at both sides of the equation when examining a price chart. Then leave your bias at the door, and take whatever the market gives you.




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